Saturday, September 19, 2015

Rebuilding Canopy

The canopy was not fitting well, and could use a little improvement. This is the nortoriously hardest part to build, so I'm starting over.

Replaced the WD- canopy side rail. You can see the holes are oblong and it was twisted too.

You can compare the old and new. I switched to water based, less hazardous primer. Unfortunately, it is not very grey, more of a white.

Also replaced the top skin of the canopy frame

This will take some work to get it all lined up in the existing holes of the forward canopy frame.

I also had to replace the rear canopy frame.

You can see that a tooling hole from production of the part is interfering with some drilled holes for rivets, so for my replacement parts I used some JB Weld to fill the holes

Hard to see here, but it's there.. not perfect but at least will provide some material to drill through.