After trying lots of different locations, I figured out how to make the mixture arm travel full length and without binding. I'm glad to have that done.
Basically, I shifted the ram air box 1 inch over toward the co-pilot side. The allowed the mixture arm, in the down position, to fully travel from the rich setpoint and idle-cutoff setpoint without binding or catching on anything. I'll need to tweak it a little bit because the air filter hits the heads of the bolts from the fuel servo, but that's an easy fix.
You can see that it fits nicely in this mockup. I'm going to order new cables and bracket plate, but this looks good for now.
Here is the top plate for the forward air box.
You can see what I'm talking about, shifting it over 1 inch makes the cutout off center, but now everything lines up better anyway. It's like it was meant to go there strangely enough.
Since the top to the forward airbox has to be remade anyway, I'm going to make it from steel instead of aluminum. Evidently the aluminum will crack over time. So, why not make it steel and forget about it? I was really glad to have this solved - one step closer to getting the engine done.